
Students who leave the graduate school are required to complete the readmission process if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Did not enroll in classes for more than three consecutive semesters without being granted a leave of absence.
  • Did not return to the graduate school at the end of an approved leave of absence.

Readmission is granted by program faculty, with the approval of the department chair. New or revised requirements, as outlined in the current graduate catalog, may be applicable to students who are requesting to be readmitted.

Important Information

  • Students may only be readmitted into the same graduate program. Students intending to enroll in a different program upon their return must follow the new program’s current application requirements and deadlines.
  • Students dismissed from the graduate school for academic or conduct reasons may not use the readmission process and must reapply to the graduate school.
  • Students have a total of five years from the date of matriculation to complete their programs. Leaves of absence will be included in the five year total. Students may request an extension. NOTE: Students enrolled in Educational Leadership programs may have more than five years to complete their programs. See the program adviser for information.
  • Students are responsible for clearing all financial and administrative holds on their records prior to readmission.
  • International students may be required to submit updated documents

Readmissions Instructions

To begin the readmission process, complete the required two forms, write a statement, and return them to the Graduate Admissions office.

1. Complete and submit a Graduate Readmissions Request form.
2. Write a brief statement why you are requesting consideration for readmission.
3. Complete and submit the Professional and Personal Fitness form.

4. Provide an updated resume.

After you submit all required information, your request will go to program faculty and the Graduate Registrar’s office for review. You may be required to submit additional documentation and meet with a faculty adviser. Readmission is not guaranteed. 

If your request is approved, you will receive notification that you are eligible to re-enroll and may be expected to follow your program’s curriculum and requirements as outlined in the catalog at the time of readmission.

Readmission Request Form (fillable .pdf)
Personal and Professional Fitness form