TransActive Support Group Application

Please provide the information requested below. Once you’ve submitted the completed form, a member of our staff will contact you to provide further information.

If you are self-registering as a Vanguard member (age 14-17) without a parent or guardian, please register yourself under adult 18+ but note that you will be attending Vanguard. 

Please note: Participation in these peer support groups is not therapy, a substitute for therapy, or to be labeled as therapy. Those who are interested in options for counseling and therapy may call the Lewis & Clark Community Counseling Center at 503-768-6320, or complete an inquiry form.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

header field

Youth Participant Information (age 17 and under)

text field
text field
date field
select menu field
select menu field
text field
text field
select menu field
header field

Adult Participant Information (age 18+)

required text field
required text field
required select menu field
required select menu field
text field
required text field
required select menu field
date field
If you are a Vanguard member self registering, please provide your birth date.
required text field
required radio button field
Is it safe for us to leave a message and give our organization name?:*
required e-mail address field
header field

Additional Adult Participant (if any)

text field
text field
select menu field
select menu field
text field
text field
select menu field
text field
radio button field
Is it safe for us to leave a message and give our organization name?:
e-mail address field
header field

Additional Minor Participants

paragraph field

If there are no additional minor participants, please scroll to the bottom of the page to submit your enrollment request.

text field
text field
date field
select menu field
select menu field
text field
text field
select menu field
textarea field
paragraph field

PLEASE NOTE: Upon receipt of this form, a member of the TransActive Gender Project staff will contact you within 72-hours at the email listed to confirm your submission and provide further information.