Schedule an Appointment

Thank you for your interest in receiving services from Lewis & Clark’s Community Counseling Center.

We are currently on a waitlist, but accepting inquires for services. Please fill out the below form and you will be contacted for a brief phone screening when we have availability.            

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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required select menu field
required select menu field
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required radio button field
Do we have your permission to leave a voicemail at this number if we do not reach you?*
required radio button field
Do we have your permission to identify ourselves as a counseling center when calling this number?*
required radio button field
Do we have your permission to contact you via email regarding appointments and scheduling?*
text field
required select menu field
radio button field
Do you consent to telehealth services (via Zoom)?
radio button field
Have you been a recent target of hate and are you currently seeking services for this concern?
radio button field
Have you been referred by the TransActive Gender Project (TGP) or other affiliated provider?
radio button field
We have a designated evening section where student clinicians are being trained to work specifically with transgender and nonbinary individuals. Clients must identify as trans and/or nonbinary. Would you be interested in opting into this?
radio button field
Are you a veteran/service member, or a family member of a veteran/service member; and are seeking services through Returning Veterans Project?
required textarea field


When you are contacted by the clinic…

Phone Screening

We will talk you through a brief screening to understand what you want to address in counseling, determine if you are appropriate for our services, and help to identify the services that will best serve your needs. The screening process will take approximately 15-30 minutes and is free of charge. At that time, we will determine future payments for services and can schedule your intake appointment.

Intake Appointment

The intake may be an individual, couples, and/or family session. For family therapy, we encourage as many members of the family as possible to attend the intake session. During the intake, your therapist will ask questions and assess areas of need and begin establishing appropriate goals. The therapist will also provide information about our treatment services and answer any questions you may have about the process.

Engaging in Counseling

Following the intake, the therapist will provide an appropriate recommendation for treatment which may include: individual counseling, group counseling, family therapy, couples therapy and/or referrals to other treatment providers who may better serve your needs.


Specialty Counseling Services

Problem Gambling Services

When gambling is a problem, Lewis & Clark Problem Gambling Services can provide high-quality counseling to support affected individuals, couples, and families. This service is free and confidential.

Call 503-768-6325 or email