The mission of Lewis & Clark is to know the traditions of the liberal arts, to test their boundaries through ongoing exploration, and to hand on to successive generations the tools and discoveries of this quest. By these means the institution pursues the aims of all liberal learning: to seek knowledge for its own sake and to prepare for civic leadership.
Lewis & Clark carries out this mission through undergraduate programs in the arts and sciences and postgraduate programs in the closely related professions of education, counseling, and law. Lewis & Clark mounts these programs as both separately valid and mutually supportive enterprises. In all its endeavors it seeks to be a community of scholars who are alive to inquiry, open to diversity, and disciplined to work in an interdependent world.
Core Themes
- We are a community of scholars vigorously engaged in learning, teaching, research, and creative inquiry.
- We are a community that integrates theory and practice within the overall educational experience.
- We are a community that commits itself to diversity and sustainability as dimensions of a just society.
- We are a community that cultivates leadership and engagement in a complex and interdependent world.
Graduate School of Education and Counseling
The Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling is a community that values the rich diversity of voices and perspectives in a complex world. We reach out to those around us, explore new ideas, and pursue the best practice of education and counseling. We promote open dialogue, inquiry, respect, and social action to enhance the learning of adults and children.
We join with students to learn, to serve, and to lead through deep engagement with the self and the world. Together we reach for wisdom, justice, compassion, and bold ideas in education and counseling.
Graduate School of Education and Counseling is located in Rogers Hall.
MSC: 93
email graddean@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-6000
Dean Scott Fletcher
Graduate School of Education and Counseling
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219