Endowed funds
Giving now creates perpetual impact.
Your gifts to an endowed fund at Lewis & Clark sustain our students, faculty, programs, and campus for years to come.
That’s because we invest gifts to endowed funds and spend a portion of the income earned from the investment each year. The rest is added to the original principal, which continues to grow, extending the impact of your support into the future.
Establishing a new endowed fund in honor or memory of someone creates a legacy for you and for Lewis & Clark students and faculty. Senior Development Officer Rebecca Holt will work with you to outline your interests and goals, and identify appropriate opportunities for turning your ideas into living endowments. Contact Rebecca at 503-768-7943 or rebeccah@lclark.edu to learn more about endowment opportunities.
Enhancing access and excellence
- Endowed scholarships help ensure that creative and inquiring minds are able to study at the graduate school and pursue careers as teachers, counselors, and educational leaders.
- Endowed professorships help us retain and recruit exemplary faculty. Support our current endowed chair or establish a new one. The Mary Stuart Rogers Professorship in Education was established in 1997 by an endowment from the Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation. The foundation’s support for programs benefiting the homeless, battered women, and education reflects the work and concerns of founder Mary Rogers.
Understanding your unique opportunities
Everyone’s tax picture is unique. It is important to consult with your tax advisor when contemplating this type of gift to Lewis & Clark. Please contact Senior Development Officer Rebecca Holt at 503-768-7943 to learn more. She is happy to discuss your options with you, your attorney, or other financial and trust advisors.
Development (Annual Giving, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Major Gifts) is located in McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 82
email giving@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-7940
fax 503-768-7910
Vice President for Institutional Advancement Josh Walter
Development (Annual Giving, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Major Gifts)
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219