Grading Resources

Grade Reporting

Near the end of the term you will receive a reminder to submit grades in WebAdvisor. All grades are due by 9am Tuesday following the last day of the term. Submitting timely grades is critical for student financial aid and progression through your program. View step-by-step grading instructions here.


Confirm that all students who attended are on your final grading roster. If a student is not on your roster, please direct the student to contact If a student is on your roster but did not attend class, please leave the grade space blank and contact

Important Policies

Online Grading Instructions

You must submit grades to the Registrar’s Office online.

WebAdvisor is linked directly to our student academic record database, Colleague. This is the same system that students use to check their academic records, such as grades and schedule.

  • If your account was created May 2020 and later your WebAdvisor username will be in the following format: lcxx-xxxx. The first two digits are determined by the hire year and the last four digits are sequential numbers assigned at hire.
  • If your account was created prior to May 2020 your WebAdvisor username will be the first part of your email address (everything that appears before “”; ex: if your email address is “,” your username is “gradreg”)
  • Your WebAdvisor password is your email password
  • View step-by-step grading instructions here

Grade Marking

Letter grades
Please use one of the following: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, or F

Credit/no credit grades (same as pass/fail)
Please enter: CR for credit, or NC for no credit (CR is granted for A or B level graduate work only)

Incomplete grades
A grade of Incomplete (I) may be given when circumstances beyond the control of the student prevents them from completing the course on time. It is the responsibility of the instructor, in consultation with the student, to decide whether the student has a legitimate reason for not completing the work on time. If approved, the instructor will submit the electronic Incomplete Grade Form which will be routed to the department chair, then sent to the student. NOTE: The instructor must also enter the incomplete grade in WebAdvisor. The date by which the Incomplete must be made up is one year following the last day of classes of the semester. Once the Incomplete is made up, the instructor must submit a Grade Change Form to the Graduate Registrar’s Office. An Incomplete grade that is not made up within one year becomes a permanent grade of Incomplete (PI).

Deferred grades
A grade of Deferred (DFD) is a temporary designation normally used at the end of a semester for a course continuing for more than one semester. Assigning a DFD grade indicates that the student has been participating in the course at least up to the point the term has ended and the DFD grade is assigned. When the full sequence is completed, a student receives a grade.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Graduate Registrar’s Office at or by calling (503)768-6030.