Minor Modifications

Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) defines “minor modifications” of programs as:

OAR 584-400-0080 Unit or Program Modifications

(1) Modifications: The Commission must approve modifications to an approved unit or state recognized licensure, endorsement or specialization program. All modifications must comply with Chapter 584, Division 400, 410 and 420 and applicable Oregon statutory provisions.

…(6) Minor Modification: A minor modification is a change that affects, but does not substantively alter, the program or Unit, as currently recognized or approved by the Commission.

(7) To request approval of a minor modification to a program or Unit, the EPP must include minor modifications in the annual report for the academic year in which the change became effective (September 1 – August 31).

  • (a) Upon acceptance and approval of the annual report by the Commission, the minor modification will be considered included in the state-recognized program or approved Unit.
  • (b) The effective date of the approved minor modifications is the effective date noted with the minor modification in the annual report.
  • (c) In absence of a specific effective date in the annual report, the effective date of the approved minor modification will be the date of submission of the annual report to the Commission.

(8) Minor modifications include, but are not limited to:

  • (a) Additions or elimination of courses, if the change does not substantively alter the core curriculum of the program;
  • (b) Changes to clinical practices, if the change does not substantively alter the core clinical practices structure; and
  • (c) Changes to delivery of programs, if the change in delivery does not alter the core curriculum of the program.

NOTE: Course substitutions are not considered major or minor modifications and are not required to be reported to the Commission.

Please contact Sharon Chinn at schinn@lclark.edu with questions regarding minor modifications.