
By completing this form, you are expressing interest in the potential to become a mentor for a Lewis & Clark candidate. We will work through our established district and school administrator partners to identify an appropriate candidate.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
Enter First and Last Name
required text field
required radio button field
Best contact method*
If you prefer to be contacted
required text field
What school will you be working at in 2020-21?
required checkbox field
Area of primary licensure*
Please indicate the current endorsement area(s) for which you would mentor.
required text field
Enter the number of years of experience for your current endorsement area(s).
required checkbox field
Grade levels taught*
Enter the grade levels you would be working with when mentoring.
required radio button field
Interest Level*
Please indicate the level of interest that most describes your current position regarding mentoring.
textarea field
We encourage you to tell us a little about significant or important elements of your school community.