Susan Mandiberg
Lewis & Clark Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita
Susan Mandiberg has conducted anthropological fieldwork in rural Ecuador. Before joining the law school faculty, she was a trial and appellate attorney with the public defenders’ offices for Multnomah County and the federal courts and an associate with a Portland law firm. Mandiberg is co-author of a treatise on the subject of environmental crimes and has written various articles on the same topic. Mandiberg has taught law in Spanish both as a Fulbright professor of law in Venezuala and as a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian (Donostia), Spain. She is a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Specialty Areas and Course Descriptions
Academic Credentials
- BA cum laude with departmental honors 1968 Oberlin College
- MA 1970 University of Illinois
- JD 1975 University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall)
Separately Published Works
- CRIMES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT (Michie 1997, supplemented annually to 2007) (co-authored by Susan L. Smith).
Works Published As Part of a Collection (selected)
Crimes Against the Environment, (Michie 1997 and annual supplements through 2004) (co- authored by Susan L. Smith).
Criminal Enforcement, in Michael Gerrard, ed., ENVIRONMENTAL LAW PRACTICE GUIDE ch.12C. (2004).
Mental State, in Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law 189 (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, LeRoy C. Paddock, David L. Markell, and Nicholas S. Bryner, eds. (2017).
Alcohol- and Drug-free Housing: A Key Strategy in Breaking the Cycle of Addiction and Recidivism, 46, McGeorge L. Rev. 839 (2014).
Strict Liability, in Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Wiley Online Library, Jay S. Albanese, ed. 2013).
Would Serious Criminal Sanctions Apply if Bhopal Occurred in the United States?, 2 Indian Yearbook of International Law and Policy 11 (2010-11) (co-authored with Marcel Gesmundo)
A Graduated Punishment Approach to Environmental Crimes: Beyond Vindication of Administrative Authority in the United States and Europe, 34 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 447 (2009) (co-authored with Michael G. Faure).
Locating the Environmental Harm in Environmental Crimes, 2009 Utah Law Review 1177 (2009).
What Does an Environmental Criminal Know, 23 Natural Resources & Environment 24 (2009).
Why Sentencing by a Judge Satisfies the Right to Jury Trial: A Comparative Look at Blakely and Booker, 40 McGeorge Law Review 107 (2009).
Criminal Enforcement, in Environmental Law Practice Guide ch. 12C. (Michael Gerrard, ed. 2004).
Fault Lines in the Clean Water Act: Criminal Enforcement, Continuing Violations, and Mental State, 33 Envt’l. L. 173 (2003).
Moral Issues in Environmental Crimes, 7 Fordham Envt’l. L.J. 881 (1996).
The Dilemma of Mental State in Federal Regulatory Crimes: The Environmental Example, 25 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 1165 (1995).
Lo Formal y lo Procesal en la Vida Constitucional: Unas Observaciones, POLITEMAS: LA REVISTA DE LOS PROCESOS POLITICOS 26 (Ano 3 No. 8, 1989, Caracas).
- Protecting Society and Defendants Too: The Constitutional Dilemma of Mental Abnormality and Intoxication Defenses, 53 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 221 (1984).
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