Charis Asante-Agyei is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Lewis & Clark College. His research focuses on investigating everyday entrepreneurial practices and design artifacts, paying special attention to hybrid entrepreneurship (people combining full-time work with self-employment) and digital platforms (e.g. Upwork). He translates this interest to the classroom to inspire entrepreneurial intention and action among students through design-centered approaches. His work has been published in Social Media + Society and has garnered prominent awards in the field such as Best Paper Award in Entrepreneurship at Academy of Management Conference. Charis lived in South Korea prior to completing his PhD at Syracuse University, NY.
The Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership is located in room 344 of J.R. Howard Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 71
Chrys Hutchings
Catarina Hunter
Associate Director
The Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219