Matthew E

Artist Statement

Since starting out as a painter, my work has become increasingly three-dimensional over the past few years. Growing interest in the tactile qualities of media means I am now as likely to use mixed media or clay as I am to pick up a paint brush. Art has become a means of both communication and exploration. This can be with the environment, other people, or myself, and comes from within. Sometimes a clear idea presents itself, at other times I begin with the medium itself and a dialog ensues. Then, I try to listen as best I can.

I see the creative process as undefinable in terms of style, technique, or media; the kind of visual communication that I am drawn to, both as an artist and someone who responds to art, can manifest through any medium. It seems to have something to do with how whole-hearted the gesture is, and whether the artist has stayed true to it. This is what interests me, at least. I do see everyone as having this potential, and it being a great loss when life talks us out of believing it.