Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo
Director of Latin American and Latino Studies, Professor of Hispanic Studies
Tuesdays 9:30 to 11:30
Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo joined the faculty of Lewis & Clark College as Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies in 2001. After completing a BA in Spanish Philology at the Universidad de Granada, Spain, he received his PhD. in Romance Languages at the University of Miami, FL, with a concentration in Hispanic Caribbean literature. Professor Toledano Redondo was promoted to Full Professor in the spring of 2017. He teaches courses on the fantastic, nation-building, cultural studies, and feminism in contemporary Latin America and Spain. Professor Toledano Redondo has lead three overseas programs in Seville, Spain, and he serves as LC Faculty Member for the ILACA (Independent Liberal Art Colleges Abroad) in Granada (Spain). Click here for his C.V.
Academic Credentials
Ph. D. 2002 University of Miami, FL.
B.A 1996 Universidad de Granada / Universidad de Almería (Spain)
Twentieth-Century Spanish American Literature with an emphasis on the Hispanic Caribbean
Nineteenth-Century Spanish American Literature
Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Peninsular Literatures
The Fantastic in Literature, Art, and the Media
Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Nationalism
Juan C. Toledano Redondo is founder and co-editor of Alambique. Academic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy. He has dedicated most of his research life to investigate the relationship between the Castro(s) regime and Cuban science fiction production, among other topics. He has published a variety of academic articles and reports on Cuban, Caribbean, Central American, and Argentinean science fiction; these include: “Lo que se llevó el Ciclón del 16 en la Cuba ciberpunk Underguater de Erick J. Mota”. Co-Herencia (2019), “Daína Chaviano’s Science Fiction Oeuvre. Fables of an Extraterrestrial Grandmother” (2018) (Anth. Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Beyond the Anglophone Universe. Ed. Dale Knickerbocker), “Una cartografía de la ciencia ficción cubana a través de la obra de Yoss” (2011) (anth. Lo fantástico en Hispanoamérica. Ed. Elton Honores Vásquez), “The Many Names of God: Christianity in Hispanic Caribbean Science Fiction” (2007, Chasqui), “From Socialist Realism to Anarchist Capitalism: Cuban Cyberpunk” (2005, Science Fiction Stduies), “Pubis angelical: entre la violencia de género y el fin del tiempo” (2005, CiberLetras. Revista de crítica literaria y de cultura. December), and “Ángel Arango’s Cuban Trilogy: Rationalism, Revolution, and Evolution” (2002, Extrapolation).
He has also participated in the development and academic presence of science fiction written in Spanish presenting his work in conferences in Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, US, and Canada, and collaborating in different collective projects, such as Recalibrando los circuitos de la máquina: ciencia ficción e imaginarios tecnológicos en la narrativa hispánica del siglo XXI. Edited by Jonatán Martín Gómez and Patricio Sullivan (2022), with “Alambique: destilador de licores del folklore iberoamericano del porvenir y la imaginación” (co-authored with Miguel Ángel Fernández Delgado), The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture, edited by Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, and Lars Schmein, with the section “Cuba’s Cyberpunk Histories” (2020), the Peter Lang Companion to Latin American Science Fiction Studies, edited by Silvia G. Kurlat and Ezequiel de Rosso, with the section “The Hispanic Caribbean. A Three-winged bird” (June 2021), the “Chronology of Latin American SF 1775-2005” (2007, co-author, Science Fiction Studies), and editing the Issue #23 of Istmo. Revista virtual de estudios culturales y literarios centroamericanos (2012), an issue dedicated to science fiction from Central American and the Hispanic Caribbean.
Location: Miller Hall
Hispanic Studies Program is located in Miller Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 30
voice 503-768-7420
fax 503-768-7434
Section Head Magalí Rabasa
Hispanic Studies Program
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219