Boxes for sale and end of year tips at the Mailroom!
Open gallery
If you need boxes for shipping or storage, we’ve got them! We are selling large boxes for $2.50 and mediums for $2.00 each.
We also want to remind you to please come and pick up any packages or letter mail before you leave. If there is anything left behind, we can ship your packages, but you will need to pay for them to be sent to you. If you don’t claim them, they will be returned to the sender, so please be sure to contact us!
IF YOU ARE GRADUATING OR NOT RETURNING - please contact all pertinent businesses, friends and family who send you mail to update your new address. Your mail will only be forwarded for a short amount of time. You cannot complete an address change with USPS!
Lastly, have a great summer!!
More Mail Services Stories
Mail Services is located in McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
voice 503-768-7867
fax 503-768-7725
Mail Services
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219