GEI staff attorney appointed to Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) to provide perspective on Oregon’s new program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
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GEI staff attorney Amelia (Amy) Schlusser has been appointed to the Department of Environmental Quality’s Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) for Oregon’s new cap and reduce program. As directed by Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order 20-04, the new program will cap and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from some of the biggest emitters, including large stationary sources (like facilities and manufacturing), transportation fuels (such as gasoline and diesel), and other liquid and gaseous fuels (such as propane and natural gas). The RAC is tasked with making recommendations to DEQ on program options, reviewing and proposing draft rules, and analyzing possible effects of the rules, including environmental and public health outcomes. According to Amy, “A well-designed cap and reduce program should help Oregon achieve its science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets by reducing fossil fuel consumption in a just and equitable manner.” The RAC will begin meeting in January 2021.The cap and reduce program is slated to begin operating in January 2022.
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Carra Sahler
Green Energy
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC
Portland OR 97219