March 28, 2016
Eight tips to help welcome visitors to campus this spring
More than 1,000 prospective students and their families will visit campus this spring with the same general question in mind: “Why Lewis & Clark?”
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Beginning this week and continuing through the end of May, more than 1,000 prospective and newly admitted students and their families will visit campus with the same general question in mind: “Why Lewis & Clark?” They will take everything from academic offerings to vegan dining options, the cost of tuition to the appearance of our residence halls into account when they make their decisions about the school.
As we enter the busiest visiting period of the year, consider the following tips for helping to show the Lewis & Clark community at its best:
- Please wear your gold nametag. It makes you instantly more accessible.
- Cultivate a friendly presence. A warm smile makes nearly everyone feel welcome.
- If you see someone you don’t recognize, offer assistance.
- Spend a few minutes at so that you’ll be ready to help would-be Pioneers find their way.
- Make sure information on your department webpage is current and correct.
- Be familiar with the types of campus visit options available.
- Keep your knowledge of campus events up to date.
- Learn about the resources available for visitors.
For more information, please contact
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