April 13, 2015

Public Trust symposium brings together academics, practitioners and students

The Developments in the Public Trust symposium on April 10th brought together academics, practitioners and students to discuss the history and future of the doctrine. In addition to presentations by professors from around the country, there was time for discussion and exchange of ideas on how the public trust doctrine applies to the pressing environmental issues of today. A link to the recording of the presentations is available online, as well as the powerpoints and academic papers which will be published in Lewis & Clark’s Environmental Law journal. Thanks to everyone who participated for making this a great event.

The Developments in the Public Trust symposium held at Lewis & Clark law school on April 10th brought together academics, practitioners and students to discuss the history and future of the doctrine. In addition to presentations by professors from around the country, there was time for discussion and exchange of ideas on how the public trust doctrine applies to the pressing environmental issues of today, including climate change.

A link to the recording of the presentations and powerpoints is now online, as well as the draft academic papers (which will be published in final form in the next edition of  Lewis & Clark’s Environmental Law journal.)

Thanks to everyone who participated for making this a great event. 
