Earthrise Fights Genetic Engineering on Behalf of Oregon Farmers
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On Wednesday, February 4th, Earthrise attorney, Tom Buchele, and Legal Fellow, Lia Comerford, argued a motion to intervene in Jackson County on behalf of local farmers and nonprofits. The county is being sued to prevent a recent ban on growing genetically engineered crops from going into effect. Local farmers Oshala Farm and Chris Hardy and nonprofits Center for Food Safety and Our Family Farms Coalition wanted to intervene on behalf of the county, to help the County lawyers defend the ban. The motion was granted two days later and our clients will now be able to defend the Ordinance banning genetically engineered crops that they worked so hard to enact.
Click on the news story link to the right to see the news video and hear more about the case.
Click here to read the decision granting the intervention.
February 6th press release from intervenors.
Earthrise Law Center is located in Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice (503) 768-6736
fax (503) 768-6642
Allison LaPlante
Earthrise Law Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219