March 04, 2024

Voicemail retention changes

On April 1st, 2024 Information Technology will be changing the College’s voicemail retention practices in order to reduce storage utilization and the number of full voicemail inboxes. These changes will impact voicemail messages delivered both to your voicemail inbox, as well as your LC email inbox. Moving forward, voicemails will be automatically archived and deleted on a regular schedule. Please read our article to learn more about this change.

All voicemail messages older than 90 days will be permanently deleted from your LC email inbox and voicemail inbox on April 1st, 2024. If you have voicemail messages that you would like to save, please download locally or to another storage location prior to this date.

Voicemail retention updates

Beginning April 1st, 2024, the College’s voicemail retention practices will be updated in order to reduce our storage utilization and reduce the number of full voicemail inboxes. This change will impact voicemail messages delivered both to your voicemail inbox, as well as your LC email inbox. Moving forward, voicemail messages will be archived, trashed, then permanently deleted on a regular “30/30/30” schedule. Please take immediate action to prevent loss of data.

  • Voicemail messages will automatically be moved to “archived” status either when they are opened or, if unopened, 30 days after they are received. Voicemail messages that are saved will be moved into archived status based upon their open or receipt date. Archived messages can still be retrieved from the voicemail application.
  • Archived messages will be automatically moved to the voicemail “trash” folder 30 days from their archived date. Messages in the trash can be retrieved with IT assistance by contacting the IT Service Desk.
  • Messages in the trash will be PERMANENTLY deleted after 30 days. If you would like to save a voicemail message beyond this time frame, you have two options:
  1. Download the voicemail message from your LC email inbox to a local or other storage location.
  2. If the message you are looking for is not available in your LC email inbox, please contact the IT Service Desk as soon as possible.

Voicemail workflow examples:

New and unopened message: A new voicemail is received on 3/1/24. If you do not listen to it, the message will be moved to “archived” status on 3/31/24. On 4/30/24 it will be moved to the trash. On 5/30/24 it will be PERMANENTLY deleted from your voicemail and LC email inboxes.

In this scenario, if you needed to retrieve an email in the trash, before it is permanently deleted on 5/30, you could contact

New and saved message: A new voicemail is received on 3/1/24. The message is “saved” on 3/15/24 and becomes archived. On 4/15/24 it will be moved to the trash. On 5/15/24 it will be PERMANENTLY deleted from your voicemail and LC email inboxes.

In this scenario, if you needed to retrieve an email in the trash, before it is permanently deleted on 5/15, you could contact


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to