November 04, 2013

SALT: Helping our students with financial literacy and debt management

Lewis & Clark has teamed up with SALTTM, a new membership program, to give our students tools to help them manage their money and student loans.

Lewis & Clark has teamed up with SALTTM, a new membership program, to give our students tools to help them manage their money and student loans. Students will be invited to sign up at to enjoy tons of FREE benefits and services, including:

  • Interactive money management tools.
  • A personal dashboard to track student loans all in one place.
  • Loan advice from SALT’s expert counselors.
  • Job and internship search engines.

We wanted to let you know about SALT as well so that you can help get the word out, especially if you are interacting with students who have money concerns.

Of course, students with questions about financial aid should always feel free to email, call, or come to our office directly. The good folks at SALT are now also available to them with expert advice on student loans and money management. What’s great is that they can access these services at no cost during their time here AND after they graduate – they just have to sign up!

Financial Aid Office